Here is an opportunity to join in on the Movement that is sweeping the AV industry and get your brand associated with "Leading with Quality".
Here is a detailed summary of the sponsorship program:
You will be given a listing on the AQAV Sponsor Page, which allows you to link your company logo, contact information and links to technical or marketing materials.
You may submit your companies' educational web resources for inclusion in our Educational Resources.
A "virtual business card" will be located on every page of our website, as well as on all correspondence.
Sponsors are recognized on our workshop course materials - helping you as a manufacturer who promotes quality, education and industry knowledge.
You will be given an AQAV Sponsor logo graphic to add to your website and any other materials you deem appropriate.
Membership to AQAV.
An educational credit of $1,650. This credit can be given to staff or to clients. the credits are for in-person training for seminars scheduled in the U.S.
Reduced tuition price of $1,100. (does not include membership or certification fees).
First right for refusal to sponsor special events and private training (additional cost).

“It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” - Whitney Young

C2.0 Commissioning Kit

Commissioning Kit, Case C2.0, has all the instrumentation you need to test most systems, which conforms to the AV9000 Standard. This is a MUST for any quality-conscious AV Company intent on verifying their systems for compliance in product, practice, and performance. This unique bundle is fully contained in a Pelican case, which is watertight, crushproof, dustproof and is an FAA-approved carry-on case. AV Field Specialists covet these kits and the significant time savings they offer when either preparing a system for commissioning or actually commissioning a modern engineered AV system.
The AV9000 Standard includes the most comprehensive battery of tests for quality assurance and is proven in thousands of systems to identify defects before the customer does in the most efficient means possible. More AV Buyers are insisting on AV Compliant companies every day.

C2.0 Case
3 Prong Plug
9 assorted adaptors
11 cable assemblies (6 custom)
DVD/Blu-Ray (G-Rated)
Electric Receptacle Tester
Master Lock
Pelican Case
Fluke 115 Digital Multimeter
Fluke 61 Infrared Thermometer
Marshall 4K Signal Generator
MR Pro Generator
NTi STIPA Option
NTi XL2 Analyzer and M4261 Microphone
RDL Audio Tester
Sekonic i-346 Light Meter

C2.0 Kit Price
Plus $125 Shipping and Insurance
Tax where applicable

C2.0 "Lite" Case
This kit only includes the following:
3 Prong Plug
9 assorted adaptors
11 cable assemblies (6 custom)
DVD/Blu-Ray (G-Rated)
Electric Receptacle Tester
Master Lock
Pelican Case
C2.0 Lite Kit Price
Plus $100 Shipping and Insurance
Tax where applicable
C2.0 Deluxe Case
This case includes everything in the C2.0 Case
PLUS -NTi TalkBox with a power adaptor
C2.0 Deluxe Kit Price
Plus $125 Shipping and Insurance
Tax where applicable

We reserve the right to change our product's prices at any time without notice.
However, if you have ordered but not yet paid for a product, we guarantee the price for one month from when the order was placed.