Here is an opportunity to join in on the Movement that is sweeping the AV industry and get your brand associated with "Leading with Quality".
Here is a detailed summary of the sponsorship program:
You will be given a listing on the AQAV Sponsor Page, which allows you to link your company logo, contact information and links to technical or marketing materials.
You may submit your companies' educational web resources for inclusion in our Educational Resources.
A "virtual business card" will be located on every page of our website, as well as on all correspondence.
Sponsors are recognized on our workshop course materials - helping you as a manufacturer who promotes quality, education and industry knowledge.
You will be given an AQAV Sponsor logo graphic to add to your website and any other materials you deem appropriate.
Membership to AQAV.
An educational credit of $1,650. This credit can be given to staff or to clients. the credits are for in-person training for seminars scheduled in the U.S.
Reduced tuition price of $1,100. (does not include membership or certification fees).
First right for refusal to sponsor special events and private training (additional cost).
"Quality is everyone's responsibility." - W. Edwards Deming

"Do Your Homework!
How Much Did That Last AV System
REALLY Cost You?

Although the AV9000 Standard is written for, and in the language of, the AV Users, arguably the largest benefactor of compliance is the AV Company that adopts it.
Getting the actual numbers on things usually uncovers issues that go far beyond the scope one initially imagines. With AV Technology procurement costing over ten percent of a capital budget (not including real estate or electrical installation), and about half of that in labor, the numbers that matter really build up. Everyone has his or her stories of “AV Disasters”.

Are you also aware that the Costs of Poor Quality (“COPQ”) are somewhat “hidden”, as we say in class, "hidden, yes, but certainly not invisible"? It is necessary that we quantify the results of our processes in order to continue to improve, cut costs, and improve the system performance for the Users.
COPQ calculator was designed to help quantify the COPQ. Its purpose is to create an analysis tool that can be used after each AV project. In this way, you can help determine the true cost of the project, and perhaps provide a useful mechanism for dealing with your price-conscious internal administration on the value of Quality Management.